Monday, 16 January 2023

Ukraine and the sabotaged Minsk Accords: the duplicity of European diplomacy

Please view and read these truly damning accounts of German and French bad-faith ‘diplomacy’ over the Minsk peace and security accords. 

They reveal how in 2014/15 and beyond, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President François Hollande knowingly played along in a pretence peace and regional security deal with Russia and Ukraine, all the while working to a stalling agenda which would allow time for built-up, NATO-backed Ukrainian forces to escalate their war on the Russian-identifying Donbas. 

We also learn how then Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko played his own duplicitous part in the sham ‘negotiations’.   

Alas, we’re now witnessing the tragic consequences of this dark 'statecraft'. In what will come to be seen as an historic act of betrayal, Europe’s leading figures were now engaged in a complicit strategy not to broker peace, but to prevent it.     

Building on decades of US/NATO provocation, and the US-driven coup of 2014, the Minsk subterfuge laid the way open for Russia’s eventual, and arguably inevitable, 2022 invasion. Instead of cultivating this vital opportunity to settle the Donbas issue and avert further conflict - as Zelensky himself was elected on an overwhelming mandate to do in 2019 - we’re now watching the calamitous spectacle of full-scale war and mass, useless loss of life. 

Predictably, none of the grand deceit behind these ill-fated accords, or Ukraine's green-light escalation of war on the Donbas from 2014, are being covered by the Western 'mainstream' media. No longer can the same past reporting of Ukraine’s deadly assaults on these regions, and the neo-Nazi forces leading them, be seriously aired, as they no longer fit the US/Western proxy war narrative.

Again, it’s being left to truly independent outlets and journalists to shine a critical light on these vital deceptions and their disastrous fallout.    

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