Friday, 20 August 2010

Megrahi and Britain's 'noble' warning

The UK government has "warned" the Libyan authorities not to celebrate the first anniversary, today, of Abdelbasset Ali al-Megrahi's release.

The warning comes amid growing consternation that Megrahi is still alive despite his expected demise from cancer.

Megrahi has, apparently, 'outlived' the expected 'few months left', a prognosis which led to his repatriation on compassionate grounds.

Britain is urging Tripoli not to indulge in joyous thanks that Megrahi is still living. There can be no thanksgiving, so it seems, for the preservation of life, even life unexpected.

Much more fitting, on the day US troops are supposedly 'leaving' Iraq, that we observe and celebrate the 'achievements' of war and death, as in 'our' 'honourable' 'interventions' in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The killing of over a million Iraqis and countless Afghans, after all, allows this country the moral authority to talk about 'compassion' and 'release'. Doesn't it?

Wishing the families of all those who have died or suffered in the course of these appalling state crimes compassionate release from their pain.

Wishing the families who lost loved ones over Lockerbie compassionate release from their pain.

Wishing Mr Megrahi compassionate peace and comfort in whatever time he has left in his life.


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