Friday, 28 May 2010

BBC conveniently quiet on Gaza Flotilla

Friday, 28 May, and the long-planned aid flotilla for Gaza is getting underway - follow its progress here.

But, of course, you wouldn't know a single thing about this heroic, humanitarian voyage if depending on the BBC.

A note to Steve Herrmann and Tarik Kafala at BBC News Online:

Dear Major International News Gathering Organisation (Middle East section)


As a BBC online viewer, I'd like to alert you to reports that a big flotilla of boats is currently making its way across the Mediterranean to Gaza with around 800 activist passengers and a massive cargo of humanitarian aid.

You may not know about this international convoy, widely covered and tracked as a major story by other principal news outlets like al Jazeera, AFP, the Guardian, Haaretz and others.

As a Major International News Gathering Organisation (Middle East section) you may want to check the story out, as it might be of some substantial interest to your readers.

Aside from the key humanitarian issues, there's a potentially explosive situation pending after the Israeli cabinet met in emergency session and instructed its navy to intercept the flotilla, arrest all its passengers and seize the cargo, all in gross violation, so many expert observers say, of international law.

I'm no expert myself in these matters, but I'd speculate that any Israeli seizure of the large Turkish liner, in particular, carrying the bulk of supporters and cargo, might just become a critical diplomatic incident.

There might also be some scope, in running such a story, to help explain the continuing siege of Gaza and the reasons for all these international efforts to provide assistance for the Palestinians - you know, that BBC thing about informing and educating viewers.

Meanwhile, I'm curious to know why there's been no report of the matter, to date. I assume it's just an innocent oversight and realise, of course, that even a Major International News Gathering Organisation (Middle East section) can't cover everything, even this kind of globally-supported flotilla and emergency situation for Israel. It's always interesting to know how a Major International News Gathering Organisation (Middle East section) selects and determines its news output.

Anyway, I hope, as a Major International News Gathering Organisation (Middle East section) you can find some time, resources and willingness to put up a report soon.


John Hilley

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