Sunday, 27 December 2009

Tom Harris: closing the door on reasonable questions

Tom Harris MP
Member of Parliament for Glasgow South

House of Commons, London SW1A OAA

17 December 2009

Dear Mr Hilley

Humanitarian situation in Gaza

Thank you for your further correspondence. I said in my last response to you that I will not be writing to Ivan Lewis again on the issue you raised. I would like to make it clear that this does not, as you suggest, preclude me from putting any further questions to him on your behalf, only that I now consider this particular issue to have been addressed.

I hope you find this information helpful.

Best wishes

Tom Harris


27th December 2009

Dear Tom Harris

Thanks for your further message (17 December 2009).

If you remain willing to put further questions on my behalf, I see no valid reason for excluding the specific one I asked, which hasn't actually been addressed.

So, as a constituent, please ask Ivan Lewis to provide a convincing statement on how he reconciles his Labour Friends of Israel membership with his decision to oppose the Goldstone report.

Also, are you willing to sign this Early Day Motion in support of universal jurisdiction?

As this is the first anniversary marking the start of Israel's mass murder in Gaza, I'd like you to give serious consideration to these questions.

I look forward to your reply.


John Hilley

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