Welcome to the new phase of media war distortion: the 'duty done' reportage, the post-conflict 'reflection', the 'laments' and 'soul-searching' - or BBC version of it.
Alongside shamefully distorted casualty figures, the BBC have been running news specials on the 'honourable departure', with obsequious coverage of the ceremonial and 'our boys' sentiment. A flavour:
"Army chaplain Father Pascal Hanrahan, who opened the ceremony, said: "Today is about remembrance and thanksgiving.
The BBC narrative of 'noble retreat' continues in fawning depictions and quotes:
"The last post was sounded by a buglar and prayers were said. There was also a roar overhead as a lone Tornado aircraft conducted a fly-past in tribute.
Lt Col Edward Chamberlain, commanding officer of Iraq-based battalion 5 Rifles, said: "We've been slowly working, as part of a coalition together over the six years, to achieve an end-state which is an Iraq which is secure, happy, at peace with itself and its neighbours.
"We're slowly but surely transitioning towards that."
Mr Hutton said the UK should be proud of what its troops had achieved.
"It's been a long and hard campaign. There's been no question about that, and we've paid a very high price," he said.
"And the families of those who've lost loved ones here today will be thinking very hard about that - and we should all as well.
"But I think when the history is written of this campaign, they will say of the British military 'we did a superb job', as we would expect them to, and we should be very proud of what they have done here." "
"BBC News defence correspondent Caroline Wyatt says there is a sense of relief for many British servicemen and women that their final tour of Iraq is winding down.
Some are now serving on their fourth tour, taking them away from home for two years out of the last six.
Our correspondent says many of them will look back with mixed emotions.
Southern Iraq is more peaceful than it was a year ago but when British forces invaded Iraq as part of the US-led coalition in 2003 few people imagined troops would still be in the country six years later.
As British forces prepare to leave Iraq, senior commanders admit they have learned lessons from the campaign.
It was a conflict that showed the strengths and weaknesses of the British armed forces.
There were acts of great heroism but also a force that came under great strain, fighting on two fronts - in Iraq and Afghanistan."
UK military and BBC duty done. Salute the troops and the correspondents. Another lesson learned in establishment whitewash and media complicity.
Excellent post. I think Britain is developing an American style "God-complex" attitude towards the troops. There is the recurring belief that "our" troops have had nothing to do with the deaths of over a million Iraqi civilians, and any criticism of this attitude is looked upon as disrespect for the "sacrifice" offered by the British military. It's all war propoganda, drawing on patriotism and blind nationalism in order to by-pass the truth of the situation. Can't see that changing anytime soon. Just another product of the typical mainstream, distorted media.