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Buchanan Street, Glasgow |
While the people of Gaza are being bombed and murdered, the BBC in particular is not only failing to report Israel's actions as the high crimes of a rampant occupier, it won't cover mass protests over those crimes and the misreporting of them even at its own front door.

Condemning the appalling death toll, and expressing solidarity for the people of Gaza, many of those addressing the crowd highlighted the false 'Israel responds' narrative being repeated by state media.

How, others wondered, can the so-called 'international community' stand aside and allow Israel to engage in such a barbaric act of collective punishment - an act declared illegal by the UN.

And, in deliberating on what can be practically done for Palestinians, strong opinion was registered that an independent Scotland with control over foreign policy offers a much more promising means of support than a UK state which embraces Israel and its US military sponsors.

Afterwards, the entire crowd, in spontaneous mood, flowed down Buchanan Street for an inspiring march along the Clyde-side towards BBC Scotland HQ.
People from all walks joined in the swell of Palestinian colour, young and old, people of religions and none, families pushing babies in prams.
At one point the entire 'Squinty Bridge' and a long mass behind stopped, sat on the road and fell silent for Gaza.

And, shamefully indeed, not a word or picture of
this event has been offered by the BBC.
What kind of 'public broadcaster', with an 'impartial' remit to 'inform', can be so fearful of reporting such strong humanitarian feeling?

Despite such blatant censoring, people are turning to - as this superb gathering in Glasgow showed - a much more highly-effective social media to organise, communicate and disseminate information.
So, while the brutality of Israel's war crimes and other apartheid oppression continues unabated, one hopes that Palestinians can, like us, take great encouragement from the kind of resilient protest and activism going on here and in cities all around the world.
Meanwhile, Gaza suffers.
Muhammad Hamad, 75, lost his wife, three sons, daughter-in-law and grand-daughter when his house was wiped-out by an Israeli bomb. Here's his painful words:
"I went into shock. The neighbours held me because I couldn't stand. I felt I was going to faint from the horror of it."
What horror, indeed.
What horrors our leaders are allowing to continue with their sanctimonious words about a 'peace process' and the need to ensure Israel's 'security'. And what consequential horrors are being hidden from public view by a shameless state media repeating those distortions on Palestinian 'militants', Israel's 'rocket-preventing mission' and the great fiction of the West's 'benign brokering'?
As Glasgow's and other outpourings for Gaza have shown, the capacity for rejecting such propaganda is growing, as is the heroic resistance of suffering Palestinians to their criminal occupiers.

Glasgow Palestine Human Rights Campaign
for the above images.
Over here, William Saletan put up some eqgregious nonsense at Slate. Chris Bertram provides a good slapping.
I think more and more people in the U.S. are wondering why we give Israel $3 Billion a year for their atrocities and land grabs, but we're told we're told we can't afford Social Security, education, a public health insurance option, etc.
But our rulers don't care...
Thanks, Mary.
Yes, it looks like a blanket policy of saying little or nothing about these mass demos, a blatant evasion which only taints them more.
It's good that you're passing the names around.
Thanks too, ifthethunderdontgetya, hopefully more people in the US are starting to question the obscenity of America's dirty cheques to their co-criminals, while cuts and deprivation deepen.
Thank you, beautiful Sakura.
Yes, what a really powerful film from Benjamin Doherty.
There's something very haunting about the clinical, sharp whine of those rockets as they slam into homes, snuffing out life. And the wickedness is componded by those vigilante thugs seeking out Arab victims.
What inhuman ugliness.
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